BA EDUCATION (Gen and Hons)

Home » BA EDUCATION (Gen and Hons)

About Department

The Department of Education was established in the year 2015 with the initiation of the college in the same year. The department envisions to produce sensible and self- reliable individuals with good moral character for future self-fulfillment and contribution to society at large; and strives for a mission to provide quality education with optimum opportunities to all the students to understand self and society to where he/she is an integral part.

Year Of Establishment

JUNE 2015 under Nagaland University

Vision Of The Department

To produce sensible and self- reliable individuals with good moral character for future self-fulfillment and contribution to society at large.

Mission Of The Department

To provide quality education with optimum opportunities to all the students to understand self and society to where he/she is an integral part.

Dr. Imtinaro Longkumer (HoD)

M.A, Ph.D, NET
Assistant Professor

Mrs. Jarani Mao

M.A., NET, B.Ed.
Asst. Professor

Mrs. Sentuile

Asst. Professor

Ms.Chichanbeni N Odyuo

M.A., NET.
Guest Faculty


Dr. Imtinaro

“Sustainability vis-à-vis Livelihood: The Peren Story”, accepted for publication in RIE, NCERT Bhopal Journal of Education(A bi-annual peer refereed Journal)- ISSN 2582-0621,2020

Mrs. Sentuile

“Sustainability vis-à-vis Livelihood: The Peren Story”, accepted for publication in RIE, NCERT Bhopal Journal of Education(A bi-annual peer refereed Journal)- ISSN 2582-0621,2020


Name Admission No. Batch Position Placement
Ms. Rajenlu Gangmei
Customer Relation Executive
KK Motors Royal Enfield Kohima Nagaland


